Do you want to join the network?

Together we can ensure that the NGOs/CSOs voice, from all world regions is strong and heard in the international agenda !  

On the landscape of civil society's networks, the Butterfly Effect distinguished itself by its integrated vision of the water sector covering the whole water-cycle, going beyond WASH, as well as a global representation, especially among NGOs & CSOs from less developed countries. The network has a great track-record and tremendous potential for the future to disseminate messages of the civil society globally giving the voice to its members, and to facilitate the dialogue and the development of shared messages between NGOs and CSO from all world regions.

A fundamental feature of the Butterfly Effect network is the support it gives to groups with "limited voice", e.g. major groups like young people, indigenous peoples and women. 

Any not-for-profit national or international Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) or Community based organization may join the BE through simple signature of the Butterfly Effect internal rules together with a motivation letter.

To become a member please read & accept the internal rules of the Butterfly Effect, then add your cover letter by filling in the form below. Please note that it is important to specify

- why you want to join the coalition, what you expect from this collaboration, what you can bring and what we will bring to you

- specify your relationship to water and sanitation projects and/or advocacy and awareness-raising on the subject (or related subjects)

Information about your organization

If you do not have translations for one of the languages, please copy your text from the source language. All fields must be completed.

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